Saturday, 08 June 2024
Interesting Snippets from 2024-06-08
GitHub - sharkdp/numbat: A statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units
Numbat is a statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units.
GitHub - moncho/dry: dry - A Docker manager for the terminal
Dry is a terminal application to manage Docker and Docker Swarm. It shows information about Containers, Images and Networks, and, if running a Swarm cluster, it shows information about Nodes, Service, Stacks and the rest of Swarm constructs. It can be used with both local or remote Docker daemons.
WireGuard AllowedIPs Calculator | Pro Custodibus
Use the following form when you need to calculate complex AllowedIPs settings for a WireGuard peer, by subtracting the “disallowed” IP address blocks from the “allowed” IP address blocks
GitHub - psy0rz/alpinebox: Opinionated Alpine installation with ZFS support and ZFSBootMenu
This is an installer for Alpine linux with ZFS as root filesystem, and ZFSBootMenu to boot into different environments.