Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Interesting Snippets from 2020-01-14
StaticGen | Top Open Source Static Site Generators
StaticGen is a leaderboard of the top open-source static site generators. It's run by Netlify, a hosting and automation service for static websites and apps, as a way to promote a static approach to building websites. The site itself is built with Gatsby, and is built and deployed with fresh data every day by Netlify. You can check out the source on GitHub and contributions are more than welcome!
GitHub - Nordstrom/serverless-artillery: Combine serverless with artillery and you get serverless-artillery for instant, cheap, and easy performance testing at scale.
Serverless-artillery makes it easy to test your services for performance and functionality quickly, easily and without having to maintain any servers or testing infrastructure.
Finding real IPs of origin servers behind CloudFlare or Tor
Hidden services and the effectiveness of CloudFlare or any similar service live from hiding the origin servers IP. Simple small mistakes can reveal the IP. This allows attacking a website that uses CloudFlare directly (bypassing the WAF, Rate Limits, DDoS Protection and much more) or even un-hiding a Tor hidden services operator identity. The mistakes depend on what type of service or technology you are working with, not all methods work for every technology (e.g. MX records don't exist for Tor hidden services).