Monday, 19 October 2015
Interesting Snippets from 2015-10-19
Data Infrastructure at IFTTT — Engineering at IFTTT — Medium
Since data is so critical to IFTTT, and given that our services generate billions of events per day, our data infrastructure must be highly scalable, available, and flexible enough to keep up with rapid product iteration. In this post, we’ll walk you through a high level overview of our data infrastructure and architecture. We’ll also share some of the insights we’ve gained building and operating data at IFTTT.
Node.js Security Checklist | RisingStack
Everyone agrees that it is very important but few takes it seriously. We at RisingStack want you to do it right - this is why we have put together this checklist to help you guide through the must have security checks before your application is enabled to thousands of users/customers.
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript – Smashing Magazine
There are many common pitfalls when it comes to writing memory-efficient and fast code, and in this article we’re going to explore some test-proven approaches for writing code that performs better.