Monday, 27 April 2015
Interesting Snippets from 2015-04-27
Building your first application with MongoDB: Creating a REST API using the MEAN Stack - Part 1 | MongoDB
In this first part, we will describe the basic mechanics of our application and undertake data modeling. In the second part, we will create tests that validate the behavior of our application and then describe how to set-up and run the application.
yahoo/squidb · GitHub
SquiDB is a SQLite database layer for Android. It is designed to make it as easy as possible to work with SQLite databases while still enabling the power and flexibility of raw SQL. SquiDB combines features of an ORM with object-oriented SQL statement builders to make it easy to read and write your data without a bunch of messy SQL strings. It also includes built in tools and hooks to help you easily write database migrations as well as implement ContentProviders.
robconery/massive-js · GitHub
Massive's goal is to help you get data from your database. This is not an ORM, it's a bit more than a query tool - our goal is to do just enough, then get out of your way. I'm a huge fan of Postgres and the inspired, creative way you can use it's modern SQL functionality to work with your data. ORMs abstract this away, and it's silly. Postgres is an amazing database with a rich ability to act as a document storage engine (using jsonb) as well as a cracking relational engine. Massive embraces SQL completely, and helps you out when you don't feel like writing another mundane select * from statement.