Friday, 16 May 2014
Interesting Snippets from 2014-05-16
Vlad Mihalcea's Blog | Time to break free from the SQL-92 mindset
If you are only using the SQL-92 language reference, then you are overlooking so many great features like: window functions MERGE TRUNCATE INSTEAD OF triggers
Expertise PostgreSQL
There was SQL before window functions and SQL after window functions: that's how powerful this tool is. Being that of a deal breaker unfortunately means that it can be quite hard to grasp the feature. This article aims at making it crystal clear so that you can begin using it today and are able to reason about it and recognize cases where you want to be using window functions.
Why SQL Server Users Consider Upgrading to Oracle
The goal of this paper is to briefly orient those knowledgeable with SQL Server and then introduce them to some broad areas of interest in which Oracle Database 12c offers capabilities that your company may require now that your business is adapting to growth and change.
Foreign Keys are Not Free |
Foreign keys are normally a part of good database design, and for good reason. They inform about entity relationships, and they verify, enforce, and maintain those relationships. Yet all of this comes at a cost that might surprise you. In PostgreSQL, every foreign key is maintained with an invisible system-level trigger added to the source table in the reference. At least one trigger must go here, as operations that modify the source data must be checked that they do not violate the constraint.
Thinking about running OPTIMIZE on your Innodb Table ? Stop! - MySQL Performance Blog
Optimizing table straight away takes over 3 hours, while dropping indexes besides primary key, optimizing table and adding them back takes about 10 minutes, which is close than 20x speed difference and more compact index in the end. So if you’re considering running OPTIMIZE on your tables consider using this trick, it is especially handy when you’re running it on the Slave where it is OK table is exposed without indexes for some time.
Working With Intl - Tuts+ Code Tutorial
Internationalization - something you constantly hear developers talking about but rarely actually see people using in practice - is getting a kick in the pants with the new ECMAScript Internationalization API. Currently supported in Chrome 24, Chrome for Android, Firefox 29, IE 11, and Opera 15 (sadly no Safari support), the new Intl namespace provides a set of functionality to add internationalization to your numbers, dates, and sorting. In this article I'll demonstrate the major features of Intl and get you on the path to adopting support for the billions of people on the Internet who live outside your own country!
Dev.Opera — An Introduction to IndexedDB
IndexedDB offers a powerful way to store and retrieve data in the browser. As with server-side databases, IndexedDB allows us to generate keys, search data, or sort it by a particular field. In this article, we’ll dig into the IndexedDB API by building a to-do list manager.