Saturday, 04 May 2013
Interesting Snippets from 2013-05-04
jrburke/requirejs · GitHub
RequireJS loads plain JavaScript files as well as more defined modules. It is optimized for in-browser use, including in a Web Worker, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. It implements the Asynchronous Module API. RequireJS uses plain script tags to load modules/files, so it should allow for easy debugging. It can be used simply to load existing JavaScript files, so you can add it to your existing project without having to re-write your JavaScript files.
ifandelse/machina.js · GitHub
Machina.js is a JavaScript framework for highly customizable finite state machines (FSMs). Many of the ideas for machina have been loosely inspired by the Erlang/OTP FSM behaviors.
AmplifyJS - A Component Library for jQuery
AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API. Amplify's goal is to simplify all forms of data handling by providing a unified API for various data sources. Amplify's store component handles persistent client-side storage, using standards like localStorage and sessionStorage, but falling back on non-standard implementations for older browsers. Amplify's request adds some additional features to jQuery's ajax method while abstracting away the underlying data source.