Monday, 11 February 2013
Interesting Snippets from 2013-02-11
D3.js Meta Tutorial
D3.js, the follow up to Mike Bostock’s impressive and useful Protovis library, is a fantastic tool for building web-based, dynamic, data visualizations consumable by the masses. However, as anyone not familiar with javascript, jQuery, SVG, CSS and/or HTML, getting anything up and running can be a challenge. While there are tutorials on the git hub page, these docs might assume a higher level of knowledge than many who are interested in visualizing some data. Below are some great tutorials and articles about working with D3.
jacomyal/sigma.js · GitHub
sigma.js is a free and open-source JavaScript library to draw graphs, using the HTML5 canvas element. It has been especially designed to share interactive network maps on a Web page or to explore dynamically a network database.