Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Interesting Snippets from 2012-12-26
CourseWiki - CS 448B
The world is awash with increasing amounts of data, and we must keep afloat with our relatively constant perceptual and cognitive abilities. Visualization provides one means of combating information overload, as a well-designed visual encoding can supplant cognitive calculations with simpler perceptual inferences and improve comprehension, memory, and decision making. Furthermore, visual representations may help engage more diverse audiences in the process of analytic thinking.
In this course we will study techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations based on principles from graphic design, visual art, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. The course is targeted both towards students interested in using visualization in their own work, as well as students interested in building better visualization tools and systems.
bitpshr/holler ยท GitHub
real-time, in-app notifications for web and mobile via the command line.
Introduction | Breeze.js
Breeze is a JavaScript library that helps you manage data in rich client applications. If you store data in a relational database, query and save those data as complex object graphs, and share these graphs across multiple screens of your JavaScript client, Breeze is for you.