Thursday, 18 October 2012
Interesting Snippets from 2012-10-18
Dark Social: We Have the Whole History of the Web Wrong - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic
This means that this vast trove of social traffic is essentially invisible to most analytics programs. I call it DARK SOCIAL. It shows up variously in programs as "direct" or "typed/bookmarked" traffic, which implies to many site owners that you actually have a bookmark or typed in into your browser. But that's not actually what's happening a lot of the time. Most of the time, someone Gchatted someone a link, or it came in on a big email distribution list, or your dad sent it to you.
Open Data Structures
Open Data Structures covers the implementation and analysis of data structures for sequences (lists), queues, priority queues, unordered dictionaries, ordered dictionaries, and graphs.
Data structures presented in the book include stacks, queues, deques, and lists implemented as arrays and linked-lists; space-efficient implementations of lists; skip lists; hash tables and hash codes; binary search trees including treaps, scapegoat trees, and red-black trees; integer searching structures including binary tries, x-fast tries, and y-fast tries; heaps, including implicit binary heaps and randomized meldable heaps; and graphs, including adjacency matrix and ajacency list representations; and B-trees.
Data Wrangler
Wrangler is an interactive tool for data cleaning and transformation. Spend less time formatting and more time analyzing your data.