Thursday, 14 June 2012
Interesting Snippets from 2012-06-14
draft-tbray-http-legally-restricted-status-00 - A New HTTP Status Code for Legally-restricted Resources
The 451 status code is optional; clients cannot rely upon its use. It is imaginable that certain legal authorities may wish to avoid transparency, and not only forbid access to certain resources, but also disclosure that the restriction exists.
Data art or science?: Your best shot | The Economist
THE world of data visualisations is undergoing such a revolution, due to the avalanche of information and sleek presentation software, that it has opened up a vibrant debate as to what sorts of infographics are useful and revealing versus just a bunch of pretty pictures. The New York Times has just published a terrific graphic related to basketball that does an excellent job of sharpening the debate. It produced a heat map of a court to plot the number of shots on the basket between two teams in the NBA playoffs, the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder.