Sunday, 31 December 2023
Interesting Snippets from 2023-12-31
Expose localhost to internet | tsocket
With tsocket you can tunnel localhost to get public https url for local site and for a tcp service running locally it provides you with a hostname and publicly available port that you can connect to from anywhere. Ability to tunnel local website to internet and get public http and https url - Can create TCP Tunnels - Can tunnel websockets - Single user can launch multiple http and tcp tunnels - Can launch multiple tsocket processes - No config files and simple cli interface - Completely free for personal and commercial use with no paid plans.
Interesting Snippets from 2023-12-15
GitHub - NOXCIS/Wiregate: "WireGate: Secure Intranet Deployment with WireGuard, Docker, and Enhanced Network Controls"
WireGate is a fully automated Docker Based intranet deployment that allows users to host web other applications on their existing server and be able to securely connect to said web applications without exposing them to the open internet. This is done by utilizing the WireGuard protocol in conjunction with Docker Networks and Containers. Hence applications hosted behind the WireGate private network need not expose any ports and can only be accessed via a WireGuard connection already registered to to an existing server interface on the deployed WireGate instance.
Interesting Snippets from 2023-12-08
zxcvbn: realistic password strength estimation - Dropbox
As an independent Dropbox hackweek project, I thought it’d be fun to build an open source estimator that catches common patterns, and as a corollary, doesn’t penalize sufficiently complex passphrases like correcthorsebatterystaple. It’s now live on and available for use on github.
GitHub - dropbox/zxcvbn: Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
zxcvbn is a password strength estimator inspired by password crackers. Through pattern matching and conservative estimation, it recognizes and weighs 30k common passwords, common names and surnames according to US census data, popular English words from Wikipedia and US television and movies, and other common patterns like dates, repeats (aaa), sequences (abcd), keyboard patterns (qwertyuiop), and l33t speak.
Interesting Snippets from 2023-12-04
PDFgear - Bring Accessible PDF Software to the Masses
Read, edit, convert, merge, and sign PDF files across devices, for completely free and without signing up.