Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Interesting Snippets from 2017-09-19
GitHub - sindresorhus/p-progress: Create a promise that reports progress
Useful for reporting progress to the user during long-running async operations.
GitHub - melenaos/jquery-punchcard: Github punchcard inspired jQuery plugin
A jquery plugin for creating GitHub Punchcard like graphs.
GitHub - mikeal/r2: HTTP client. Spiritual successor to request.
This new library, r2, is a completely new approach from request. Rather than being built on top of the Node.js Core HTTP library and shimmed for the Browser, r2 is built on top of the browser's Fetch API and shimmed for Node.js. APIs are meant to be used with async await, which means they are based on promises.
Installing | Push v1.0
Push is the fastest way to get up and running with Javascript desktop notifications. A fairly new addition to the official specification, the Notification API allows modern browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and IE 9+ to push notifications to a user’s desktop. Push acts as a cross-browser solution to this API, falling back to use older implementations if the user’s browser does not support the new API.
Angular vs. React vs. Vue: A 2017 comparison – unicorn.supplies – Medium
Deciding on a JavaScript framework for your web application can be overwhelming. Angular and React are very popular these days, and there is an upstart which has been getting a lot of traction lately: VueJS.
Interesting Snippets from 2017-09-18
HumongouS.io allows you to create a complete CRUD interface for your database with just a few clicks. Just plug in your MongoDB database and you're up and running in minutes. No coding, no configuration needed.
20+ Best MySQL GUI Tools 2017 – Bestoflist – Medium
MySQL Workbench enables a DBA, developer, or data architect to visually design, model, generate, and manage databases. It includes everything a data modeler needs for creating complex ER models, forward and reverse engineering, and also delivers key features for performing difficult change management and documentation tasks that normally require much time and effort.
The Total Newbie’s Guide to Cassandra – Insight Data
Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL data storage system from Apache that is highly scalable and designed to manage very large amounts of structured data. It provides high availability with no single point of failure.
How Does a Database Work? | Let’s Build a Simple Database
Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C
Publishing with Apache Kafka at The New York Times | Confluent
This article describes a new approach we developed to solving this problem, based on a log-based architecture powered by Apache KafkaTM. We call it the Publishing Pipeline. The focus of the article will be on back-end systems. Specifically, we will cover how Kafka is used for storing all the articles ever published by The New York Times, and how Kafka and the Streams API is used to feed published content in real-time to the various applications and systems that make it available to our readers.
Build An Interactive Game of Thrones Map (Part I) - Node.js, PostGIS, and Redis
In this 20 minute tutorial, we'll walk through building a Node.js API to serve geospatial "Game of Thrones" data from PostgreSQL (with the PostGIS extension) and Redis.
Ultimate List of 32 Oracle SQL IDEs Compared - Database Star
Read this guide to help you compare the Oracle IDEs and decide which one to use.
Data Egret: PostgreSQL workings in one picture.
Have you ever wondered how Postgres resources are distributed? With the below illustration I attempted to capture key processes that encompass Postgres workflow.
GitHub - kevinburke/read-mongo-logs: Tail Mongo database logs
Want to see what queries are being run against your Mongo instance? Run this binary to enable verbose Mongo logs on the database in question, then immediately start tailing the logs.