Friday, 22 July 2016
Interesting Snippets from 2016-07-22
Vue.js: a (re)introduction
Vue.js is a library for building web interfaces. Together with some other tools you can also call it a “framework”, although it’s more like a set of optional tools that work together really well.
Interesting Snippets from 2016-07-21
With #teamchatviz we created chat data visualisations about how your team uses Slack. We tried to avoid creating graphics that imply any judgement of value or give a meaning to the numbers. We also tried to find graphics that work universally for any Slack team.
Interesting Snippets from 2016-07-20
Serverless Architectures
Serverless architectures refer to applications that significantly depend on third-party services (knows as Backend as a Service or "BaaS") or on custom ephemeral code that's managed by a third party (Function as a Service or "FaaS"), the best known of which currently is AWS Lambda. By using these, and moving behavior to the front end, such architectures remove the need for the traditional server system sitting behind an application.
Interesting Snippets from 2016-07-07
Lwan Web Server
With its low disk and memory footprints, it's suitable to be used from embedded devices to robust servers. Both static and dynamic content can be served, as it can also be used as a library. Dynamic content can be generated by code written in either C or Lua.
Why do we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack? - Julia Evans
The key to better networking scalability, says Van, is to get rid of locking and shared data as much as possible, and to make sure that as much processing work as possible is done on the CPU where the application is running. It is, he says, simply the end-to-end principle in action yet again. This principle, which says that all of the intelligence in the network belongs at the ends of the connections, doesn't stop at the kernel. It should continue, pushing as much work as possible out of the core kernel and toward the actual applications.
Interesting Snippets from 2016-07-01
A JavaScript library for building web user interfaces — Monkberry
Monkberry is blazingly fast, small 1kb and simple JavaScript library for building web user interfaces.