Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Interesting Snippets from 2015-09-29
lorenzofox3/lrStickyHeader · GitHub
make table headers sticky
js-sequence-diagrams by bramp
A simple javascript library to turn text into vector UML sequence diagrams. Heavily inspired by websequencediagrams.com, who offer a serverside solution. We use Jison to parse the text, and Raphaël to draw the image.
Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
slevithan/xregexp · GitHub
XRegExp provides augmented (and extensible) JavaScript regular expressions. You get new modern syntax and flags beyond what browsers support natively. XRegExp is also a regex utility belt with tools to make your client-side grepping and parsing easier, while freeing you from worrying about pesky aspects of JavaScript regexes
Interesting Snippets from 2015-09-10
Measuring JavaScript Functions' Performance
The High Resolution Time API offers a function, named now() that returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp object. It’s a floating point number that reflects the current time in milliseconds accurate to a thousandth of a millisecond. Individually, the number doesn’t add much value to your analysis, but a difference between two such numbers gives an accurate description of how much time has passed.
Interesting Snippets from 2015-09-09
itpol/linux-workstation-security.md at master · lfit/itpol · GitHub
This document is aimed at teams of systems administrators who use Linux workstations to access and manage your project's IT infrastructure.
Interesting Snippets from 2015-09-02
algebra.js by nicolewhite
Build, display, and solve algebraic equations in JavaScript.
fent/randexp.js @ GitHub
Create random strings that match a given regular expression.
Interesting Snippets from 2015-09-01
How security flaws work: Buffer overflows | Ars Technica UK
At its core, the buffer overflow is an astonishingly simple bug that results from a common practice. Computer programs frequently operate on chunks of data that are read from a file, from the network, or even from the keyboard. Programs allocate finite-sized blocks of memory—buffers—to store this data as they work on it. A buffer overflow happens when more data is written to or read from a buffer than the buffer can hold.