Thursday, 25 July 2013
Interesting Snippets from 2013-07-25
MatthewMueller/date · GitHub
Date is an english language date parser for node.js and the browser. For examples and demos, see:
Visualize Your Data: 25 Javascript Visualization Libraries Web Design and Web Development Agency based in Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain - MA-NO Web Design and Development
With JavaScript visualization libraries, it is possible to turn data sets into great web based visual representations that customers and management will love. To help you get started visualizing your data, we have collected 25 of the best JavaScript visualization solutions for your web projects.
Interesting Snippets from 2013-07-16
mame/quine-relay · GitHub
This is a Ruby program that generates Scala program that generates Scheme program that generates ...(through 50 languages)... REXX program that generates the original Ruby code again.
Interesting Snippets from 2013-07-15
Doug Engelbart | The Economist
Bull-headed, many said. Too wedded to one idea. But, time and again, history proved that his technical thinking was way ahead; whereas human intellect, for all his effort, stayed much as it had ever been.
The paranoid #! Security Guide (Page 1) / Tips, Tricks & Scripts / CrunchBang Linux Forums
In this small guide I simply provide several "recipes" for securing both your box and your internet-connection and web-applications. I won't go into the why of all of this in too much detail as I want to provide a simple how-to that people can follow to make their system more secure without having to read through hundreds of pages of explanations. This information can easily be found elsewhere. If you're interested in a certain topic then just fire up a web-search and give it a read. This guide is not exhaustive of course. As they say, security is a process - and so this guide can only be a place to start which needs to be adjusted to your personal needs.
Interesting Snippets from 2013-07-14
JavaScript, the winning style » Seravo
The question is, what is the ultimate JavaScript style to rule them all? Let’s make a consensus based on these six style guides.
Create Keyboard Shortcuts with Mousetrap
Awesome web apps like Gmail and GitHub use loads of keyboard shortcuts and they make navigating exponentially faster. After evaluating a few keyboard microlibraries, I've found Mousetrap to be the best!
sindresorhus/log-globals · GitHub
Logs your global variables to the console - Bookmarklet / DevTools snippet
Interesting Snippets from 2013-07-07
Basic JavaScript: an introduction to the language
This blog post enables you to get started with JavaScript as quickly as possible – if you already know how to program. It describes the smallest subset of the language that allows you to be productive. I call that subset “Basic JavaScript” and recommend to program in it for a while, before moving on to more details and advanced topics. Learning everything at once is too confusing. The post concludes with tips for what to learn next.